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ShinganCrimsonZ Gallery

ShinganCrimsonZ (シンガンクリムゾンズ lit. Shin Cancer Crimson's) is a band composed of four members Rom(Vo+D), Yaiba(Vo+B), Crow(Vo+Gt) and Aion(Vo+Gt).

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A four-piece visual kei male rock band. They’re signed under the same label as Plasmagica, Banded Rocking Records, after Maple tells them they could “topple the music world” if they signed with him.

Within the band, there's a decided amount of over-dramatic, fantastical speech similar to that of other visual kei band's lyrics. Leading man Crow refers to his fans as “cattle”.[1]


  1. What Are the Colors of Your Wings!? (オマエらの翼は何色だッ!?)
  2. Carve! Crimson's Rhythm! (刻めッ!深紅のリズム!)
  3. Our New World!! (オレ達のNewWorld!!)
  4. A Beautiful Dance! More Than Everybody Else!! (美しく舞え!誰よりもッ!!)
  5. Shout It Out! The Soul of the Power of Words! (叫べ!魂魄の言霊を!)
  6. Aim for it! The Festival of Legends!! (目指せ!伝説のフェス!!)
  7. Anti-Genesis! Crimson Black Apocalypse!! (反創世!紅黒の黙示録ッ!)
Songs List
TSUBASA シンクリズム-S.C.ISM- New World Order Knocking' the next-door Last Flower
Falling Roses Crimson quartet-深紅き四重奏- 幻影のシュトライヒ Break up all this World 背徳のカタストロフィ
Re:Climb Scarlet Eyes 泉 Shangri-la FLARE 光ノTSUBASA
Ragnarøk 紅きRevolution MAGMA Anti-Destiny Rising High!!
Songs Not In Game
The real reason Red Addiction Faith and Pray 音速over VERSES
NeoN Crimson Tribe 紅のballade

