Show By Rock!! Wiki
Plasmagica Gallery

Plasmagica (プラズマジカ) is a band composed of four members Moa(Vo+D), Retoree(Vo+B), Cyan(Vo+Gt) and ChuChu(Vo+Gt).

They function as the starter band within the game's story mode, as well as being the featured group within the Show by Rock!! anime.

The group formed when Cyan was scouted by Maple Arisugawa, the president of the music agency Branded Rocking Records. From there she met ChuChu, a purple honor student rabbit girl, Retoree, a yellow net geek dog girl and Moa, a pink and black cosmic sheep girl. Together they all formed the band 'Plasmagica'.

Img LB001 03


A four-piece standard female rock band. In the game, Cyan unknowingly discovers the legendary guitar Strawberry Heart in an antique store. On the street she is scouted by Arisugawa Maple, president of music office Banded Rocking Records. From there she forms Plasmagica with ChuChu, Retoree, and Moa, who have also been scouted by Maple.

In anime canon, Plasmagica is already formed when they meet Cyan.


  1. Plasmagica, debut! (プラズマジカ、デビュー!)
  2. Moa, New Song Reception!? (モア、新曲受信中!?)
  3. Retoree, acting strange!? (レトリー、キョドりすぎ!?)
  4. ChuChu, Reminiscing (チュチュ、振り返る)
  5. Cyan, Recollection (シアン、思い出す)
  6. Plasmagica's Goal (プラズマジカの目標)
  7. Plasmagica Holiday♡ (プラズマジカな休日♡)
Songs List
Can't stop DAISUKI !! ハマって☆Rockin' Sweet Panoramatic Adventure Favorite Number My pace!!
Have a nice MUSIC!! 青春はNon-Stop! 迷宮DESTINY 流星ドリームライン 弱虫アマノジャク
Regret Breaker Joyfulness Close to you 青春はOn-Going! ドレミファPARTY
オモイノシルシ My Song is YOU !! ハートをRock!! プラズマism 絆エターナル
Song List 2
My Resolution~未来への絆~ **** Future Girls 檸檬と蜂蜜 Love net Lady
Songs Not In Game
ツバサメロディー Nyao Universe Go Ahead!! Brand new Me 夢を掴め青春まっしぐら! gonna be a music millionaire!
Dramatic∞Drumstick ラブリー☆チューニング Are You Studying? 確かめたくて Hazy Twinkle


  • While the game was still in development, they were called "Plasma Berry"
  • Their corresponding boss is a giant purple mecha that resembles a certain somebody who refuses to comment.