Show By Rock!! Wiki
Dropout Sensei Gallery

Dropout Sensei (ドロップアウト先生 lit. Dropout Master) is a band composed of three members Kabutomoaki(B), Kuwagatatsuya (Vo+Gt) and Tentoumutsumi(D).

They are based off the real band Asu, Terasu. (明日、照らす.)

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A three-piece male rock band. Student band from Metropolitan East Midi Technical High School. Kuwagatatsuya fell in love with a girl from the neighboring town’s St. Midi Girls Middle School and in order to brush up as a man and capture her attention, he decided to start a band. It’s a band full of passionate high school boys![1]


  1. Leader, Showing Off (リーダー、振り回す)
  2. Leader, Speaking of Passionate Feelings (リーダー、熱く語る)
  3. Leader, Pining (リーダー、想いを馳せる)
  4. Leader, Zealous (リーダー、熱中する)
  5. Leader, Conflict (リーダー、衝突する)
  6. Leader, Misunderstandings (リーダー、勘違いする)
  7. Leader, Getting in a Slump (リーダー、スランプになる)
Songs List
僕のコートニー・ラブについて 東京サーモグラフィー Xoxo あの娘を返せ 16歳だった

