Show By Rock!! Wiki
Arcareafact Gallery

Arcareafact (アルカレアファクト lit. Alker Rare Fact) is a band composed of four members Selen(B), Titan(Vo+Key), Orion(Str) and Argon(D).



A four-piece royal male rock band. The new band that made its debut through the super major label “Judas” recently. All members are super rich. The band was formed immediately after joining the label and during their debut live all associations with idols were completely denied: “We are not idols. We are artists.” With this fearless and cheeky style + vivid + composed and high speed piano sound the audience’s sixth sense get stimulated. Their unique world view and modern performances paid with sound dollars makes their fanbase expand constantly.


  1. The Golden Rookie Band - DEBUT (黄金の新バンド・DEBUT!)
  2. Golden Melodisians! (黄金のメロディアス!)
  3. Golden and Crimson's Collision! (黄金と深紅のコリジョン!)
  4. Golden Sympathy~~! (黄金のスィンパシ~~!)
  5. Golden Lügner! (黄金のリューグナー!)
  6. Golden Galaxy Destiny (黄金銀河デスティニー!)
  7. Golden Reunion (黄金のリユニオン!)
Songs List
マイラスファイ アンノウン ステイリアル ブレイカウェイ ジャスタウェイク
エンブレム エルプライド 今夜は黄金!パーリィナイト! アドレイション
Songs Not In Game
イッツノットオーヴァー スピンナウト
