Show By Rock!! Wiki
Alice Beans Gallery

Alice Beans (アリスビーンズ) is a band composed of five members Marie Spira (B), Asami Rosy (Gt), Anna Spire (Vo), Kanon Beryl (Key), and Amurin (D).

This band is based off the music group Alice Juban (アリス十番) and related group Kamen Joshi

(仮面女子), which includes members of Alice Juban.

Img LB013 02


A five-piece zombified female rock band. This is an idol band of the punk and bad girls from Bean City that is active in Akibarn Street ☆. Their dream is become the top idol band! As told by their distant ancestors, written in the legend of the Kinuzaria Kingdom, they are searching for the legendary music sheet "Mohemohe Zombie." Individuals who play this music sheet always seem to become top idols...?


  1. Thank You for Today Too! (今日もありがとう!)
  2. Drive Away Your Fatigue! (疲れを吹き飛ばそう!)
  3. Everyone Celebrates! (みんなで輝こう!)
  4. Go Forward Without Losing Your Heart! (くじけずに進もう!)
  5. Let's Help Each Other! (お互いに助け合おう!)
  6. Thanking the Fans! (ファンに感謝しよう!)
  7. Overcome Pressure! (重圧を乗り越えよう!)
Songs List
夏だね☆ 真・アドベンチャー アリスのロッキン・ホラー・ショー 全開☆ヒーロー 元気種☆
恋の引金(トリガー) BURN☆BURN☆BEANS wohhhh!!!!☆ 仮面大陸~ペルソニア~ Sweet Devil (Alice Beans ver.)